My favorite part about my line of work is helping to empower clients and put them in control of the way their body feels. There are a lot of negative and conflicting messages out there in the health, wellness, and medical world, and I enjoy helping clients cut through the confusion and get to the facts. Having said that, here’s 3 empowering facts that can help you to understand and overcome your back pain. Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier! 1. You can still live an active, pain free life, even if you’ve been told you have a disc issue. Structural injury or pathology (this means things like disc degeneration, herniated discs, bulging discs, etc.) are only responsible for about 10% of persistent back pains. This means that in 90% of cases, the conditions listed above are not what’s TRULY causing your back pain. So, if you’ve received some sort of ‘disc diagnosis,’ that’s not necessarily a reason to live in fear or anxiety – you can still live an active, pain free life. 2. Small lifestyle changes can make your back pain start to feel better. This means that you, without necessarily having to see me or another therapist, have the power and the tools to start making your back pain feel a little better. Sleeping 7-9 hours/night, staying active, eating healthy, and quitting or limiting smoking can all start making back pain feel better. 3. Believing that your back is strong and designed to move can start to make you feel better. Simply having positive beliefs about your back pain can help you to start feeling better. If you feel yourself starting to worry or become anxious about back pain, remember – your body is strong, resilient, and designed to move. Convince yourself that it will be OK and try not to let your back pain limit your movement too much. For instance, if twisting and turning has bothered your back in the past, start with a few slight, slow turns to each side. Make this movement so small that it couldn't possibly cause any pain. Then, slowly increase how far you turn until you feel safe in a fuller range of motion. === No matter how long you’ve had back pain or how bad it is, I believe in you. I believe that you can overcome the condition and get back to the active lifestyle you love. If you’re interested in learning more about how I might be able to accelerate the process, don’t hesitate to reach out by calling: 410-929-0642 Because I believe in your ability to beat back pain, I am currently willing to offer a free Neuro Therapy discovery session (for a limited time) to help you learn a little more about what I do and see if it’s a good fit for your goals. Just click here to schedule a talk with a therapist and learn more about the discovery session. Finally, if you’d just like to read a few more tips from me on overcoming back pain, you can do so by clicking here: or click here: Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE
Discovery Session at Premier!
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So, the other week, I finished up a free discovery session with a potential new client, Patti, and she was amazed by the way she was feeling afterwards. Since injuring her back 3 years ago, she had been to the chiropractor, several PTs, and every specialist she could find, and none of them had been able to help make her feel the way she did after 20 minutes of work at Premier Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier! After explaining to me how amazing she felt, I asked her what she thought about continuing with the program. "I really want to...but I just feel BAD about spending that kind of time on myself. It doesn't feel right when I think about how much I’d miss at work or with family." I always appreciate this kind of honesty, because it gives me insight into the WHY behind my clients' decision making process. For Patti, it wasn't about not wanting to take the time to fix the problem, but how the time could be used if she didn't spend it on herself. She's truly a selfless individual. After taking a moment to digest the comment, I tried to dig in a little deeper. I asked, "How much could you help others (at work and as a mother) if you didn't always have this persistent back pain holding you back?" She took a few minutes, thought about it some more, and said "You know what... let me think about that." Several days passed and I followed up with a quick text to see how she was feeling. Patti replied back, "You're right... being able to be the best version of myself is worth it. I'm still feeling great, and have felt like a more productive me in every phase of my life. I want to make sure I keep feeling this way - when can I come in again?" Patti decided she was worth it, and you know what? You are worth it too. You don't need to live in pain and sacrifice your quality of life for the sake of others. In fact, I bet the others that you sacrifice for WANT you to be the best version of yourself. You are worth it, and Neuro Therapy can help you get back to a better version of yourself. Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier! ====
Just pick any of the 3 options below to learn a little bit more: Here's 3 Ways To Find Out If Neuro Therapy Can Help You (just click what's best). 1) Inquire About Neuro Therapy Cost And Availability 2) Schedule a FREE 15 Min Call With a Therapist To Find Out If Neuro Therapy Can Help You 3) Enter our drawing (limited time only) to win a free Neuro Therapy session If you or someone you know is dealing with annoying back pain, here's 7 Quick & Easy Tips To Reduce Back Pain. Just go here to get your free copy. or click here: One question we hear a lot from prospective clients is "How is Neuro Therapy different?" When we get this question, we often give a lot of complex technical differences between Neuro Therapy and things you might have tried in the past. However, we've come to find the technical differences aren't always what our clients are concerned about. They're more concerned about other things (like whether it can help to solve their problem or not) Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier! So, in this article, I've decided to flip the script, and ask clients AFTER they've worked with Premier Neuro Therapy how they think it's different than anything they had tried in the past.
Using their responses, I broke it down into the 5 main themes they described between Neuro Therapy and other methods. I've also included a few direct quotes from former clients, so you can see their exact words. |
About the AuthorEvan Lewis is a nationwide leader in Neuro Therapy and founded the Baltimore area's only specialist Neuro Therapy facility. Archives
February 2022
Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or
Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier!