Please join us in welcoming Dr. Etai David Gamliel to the Premier team! Dr. Gamliel is a passionate sports performance physical therapist, former collegiate athlete, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He also serves as an Assistant Coach with the Calvert Hall Freshman/Sophomore Football Program, injury consultant, and personal trainer in the Baltimore, MD area. Dr. Gamliel graduated from one of the top physical therapy programs in the country, The University of Maryland Baltimore. Prior to joining the Premier team, Etai worked in sports oriented clinics in Manhattan and Baltimore, During this time, Dr. Gamliel worked with clients from a variety of demographics (ages 4-96), including active military, wounded warriors, and high school, colligate, and professional athletes. In Etai’s free time he enjoys reading, playing guitar, singing, exercising, playing football, basketball and spending time with family and friends. Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE
Discovery Session at Premier!
The other day, a new client mentioned that she had been on our website, and initially thought that Neuro Therapy was only for professional athletes. It's an understandable stance, based on the information on the website, and it's true that I initially worked primarily with professional athletes all over the United States. However, as more and more athletes sought out Premier’s services, cases became more and more complex. The Premier team was no longer just helping athletes who suffered acute injuries to get back on the field efficiently, but also athletes who were struggling with repetitive injuries, delayed recovery from surgery, and persistent pain. The latter group of athletes had been through months of physical therapy, and sometimes even surgery, but still could not perform without the lingering effects of injury including severe pain, decreased range of motion, decreased strength, and decreased overall daily function. We started to wonder... if Neuro Therapy can have this kind of impact on those lives, who else can it help? Today, Premier serves a population of people consisting of all ages, genders, and races ranging from the 8 year old gymnast who's hoping to get back on the mat to the 84 year old grandmother who wants to keep up with her grandkids. Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier! If you asked me to sit down and define who Neuro Therapy is for, I would boil it down to 5 main groups: Group #1: You’ve tried multiple other forms of therapy (massage, chiropractic, in-home exercises, traditional PT, painkillers) and are starting to think surgery, a lifetime of medication, or “just living with it” are your only options. Group #2: You’ve already had surgery and it hasn’t done much to improve the way you are feeling. The recovery is slower than expected, has stalled out, or actually has you feeling worse and worrying more than before. Group #3: You’ve just had surgery or gotten injured and are feeling like it will take forever to get back to the activity or performance levels you were at before (and maybe worried about the risk of re-injury). Group #4: You experienced an injury and re-injured it when trying to return to high activity levels. Now, you want to recover as quickly as possible but are concerned it could happen again. Group #5: A friend who’s already experienced Neuro Therapy told you this is the best way to recover and you 100% need to try it. Recap If any of these sound like you, I want to hear about it. Click the link below to tell us a little more about what's going on and apply for a FREE Discovery Session: The discovery session is designed to give you all the information you need to make a decision about whether or not Neuro Therapy is a good fit for you. During the discovery session, you'll have the chance to tell us more about your problem, learn more about Neuro Therapy, and go through a full session from beginining to end. It is a 100% risk free opportunity to see if Neuro Thearpy is something that can change your life and get you back to doing what you love, so don't hesitate to apply! Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE
Discovery Session at Premier! Neuro Therapy has been able to help clients who had been in pain for years, seen every specialist in the books, and were starting to give up hope. Whether it's helping people get back to the gym, tennis court, or working in the yard, it's been a pleasure utilizing this methodology to help people get to where they want to be. I have been getting a ton of questions recently about the differences between Physical Therapy and Neuro Therapy. After consulting with the physical therapists on our staff, we've narrowed it down to the 7 most important ones..... I hope this answers your questions! Download Now: The 28 Questions You Need Answers To Before Trying Neuro Therapy Click the blue button to receive your free guide! 1) Hardware vs. Software When you are rehabbing an injury in Physical Therapy, there are usually 2-3 major categories that you could be working on:
We call this our “hardware.” But take a moment to think about what exactly is controlling all of those components – the nervous system right? We call this our “software” There are two driving factors to our recovery and overall performance:
After an injury those neurological signals can get interrupted, weakened or changed all together. Long after the initial injury has occurred, tissues have healed, and we try to resume our normal activities – there are often underlying nervous system deficits that prevent us from returning to our full potential and increase our risk for developing further issues down the road if left unaddressed. Moral of the story – you could stretch all day but if your nervous system (your software) is in the background saying “no, that’s not happening” – it’s not going to happen. Same with strengthening. You could work on strengthening your quadriceps muscle, for example, but if you’re unable to fully activate those fibers due to a past injury, pain, compensation pattern or protective mechanism, you may not be able to get the strength you’re hoping to gain. Technology has advanced to allow us to tap into those things – your therapy should too! 2) Symptoms vs. Origin of Symptoms. We have a saying in Neuro therapy… ”The location of your pain is typically not where the problem started, but where it ended up.” For any of my PT friends reading this – of course this is how you've been trained to evaluate these types of things. You need to look at least a joint above and a joint below to assess properly. In Neuro Therapy, we take this concept to the next level. Through our unique “search” process, we pinpoint your unique dysfunctions. We find the exact breakdown in neuro communication that is occurring due to past injury, scar tissue, inflammation, muscle dysfunction, etc. What does this mean for you and the rest of our clients? More effective treatment sessions and often times a MUCH more efficient recovery. 3) Optimization of all body systems Your body’s ability to heal and recover depends on a number of factors. In order to ensure your recovery is efficient (and doesn’t drag on for weeks/months), you should focus on giving your body everything it needs to recover. As an example, you may notice that when you get sick, you feel the need to sleep for hours and sometimes days. Why? Because the body needs sleep (among other things) to recover efficiently. The same principle applies to injuries (check out an awesome article on the importance of sleep in the rehab process here: When you go through the Neuro Therapy process at Premier, you’ll receive targets for sleep, protein intake, and water intake. You'll also track your fatigue and stress from day to day. It may seem like a lot of work – because it is. The point of Neuro Therapy is not to be easy. It’s to get you better. We are asking you to step outside of your comfort zone and really optimize all aspects of your recovery. 4) Time and Attention I know that from what I've experienced in a traditional Physical Therapy setting there were some patients that wish they could get more one on one time. Whether it's due to scheduling conflicts, double bookings, insurance limitations or clinic expectations, Physical Therapy sessions often are a bit rushed. During the Neuro Therapy process, clients receive 60 minute, 1 on 1, detail oriented sessions. These sessions occur 4-5 days/week over the course of 2-5 weeks and are geared solely to helping you achieve your goals. That’s right, no more months and months of therapy before you see results. 5) Passive vs. Active Neuro Therapy is not a miracle cure. Yes, you read that correctly. I’m saying this to emphasize the point that therapy – whether it be Physical Therapy or Neuro Therapy – it is work, and you are responsible for earning your results. Even if you’re at Physical Therapy, you can’t expect to show up 2-3 times a week for 8 weeks, lay on the treatment table, get massaged and do a few exercises with heat and stim and expect to be ‘fixed.’ You’re going to need to put work in on your own. This is why Neuro Therapy works. It is designed for you to take an active part in your recovery, push you to your limits, and challenge you on a whole different level. 6) The Gold Standard – A plan tailored to your goals After learning more about your personal history and needs, we design a plan specifically tailored to your needs… and we’ll hold you to it. From day 1, clients know the plan, expectations, and targets for each day. We are constantly assessing and re-assessing. Tracking your progress and updating your plan daily. There are specific protocols in place for testing and trialing all the activities clients want to get back to doing.. No matter your goals – big or small – we will ensure that you can do those things successfully under our supervision before leaving us. 7) #Premierfamily Not only are you getting an unforgettable therapy experience at Premier Neuro Therapy, you become a part of our family. We get to know you beyond just your pain levels and injury history. We are here to push you, encourage you, help you through the lows and celebrate all of your wins! If you haven’t already – check us out on social media to learn more about what Neuro Therapy is all about: Click to follow Premier on Instagram: Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE
Discovery Session at Premier! One question we hear a lot from prospective clients is "How is Neuro Therapy different?" When we get this question, we often give a lot of complex technical differences between Neuro Therapy and things you might have tried in the past. However, we've come to find the technical differences aren't always what our clients are concerned about. They're more concerned about other things (like whether it can help to solve their problem or not) Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier! So, in this article, I've decided to flip the script, and ask clients AFTER they've worked with Premier Neuro Therapy how they think it's different than anything they had tried in the past.
Using their responses, I broke it down into the 5 main themes they described between Neuro Therapy and other methods. I've also included a few direct quotes from former clients, so you can see their exact words. “Evan, I’ve tried everything – PT, Chiro, acupuncture, dry needling. Nothing is working for me. The doctor tells me this knee pain is something I just have to live with until I’m old enough to have the knee replaced. The only relief I’ll find from the knee pain is through painkillers. I just feel like my body is too young to be breaking down like this. Can Neuro Therapy help me?” This is a question I received from a 42 year old woman several months ago regarding her chronic knee pain. I’ve heard similar versions over the years from men and women who have basically been told to ‘give up’ the fight against knee pain. “It’s just something you’ll have to live with,” the doctor tells them. What kind of prognosis is that for a 42 year old person (who’s been active their entire life) to hear? I have to live with it? Live without working out? Live without playing sports? Live without being able to demonstrate the importance of exercise to my kids? Live life dreading simple actions like climbing the stairs or walking in heels? I don’t think so. Read more about some of the activities our clients have gotten back to AFTER knee pain The good news is – you don’t have to live life that way. And you don’t need to rely on painkillers. And you don’t need surgery. Neuro Therapy is a little different than other things you might have tried in the past. Through Neuro Therapy, we are able to identify and target the exact muscles that are causing your knee pain. Over time, the brain can develop ‘bad habits’ and start using muscles improperly. When muscles don’t do their job properly, other parts of the body must pick up the slack and do more work than they were designed to do (tendons, ligaments, joints, your knees, etc.). When our knees start doing more work than they were designed for, the result is knee pain.
So what muscles are causing your knee pain? The thing is – different muscles may be causing knee pain for different people. In person A, we may find the brain has learned to use the calf and hamstring improperly. In person B, we could find issues in the hip and quad that are leading to knee pain. Your knee pain requires an individualized approach. And that is the difference that Neuro Therapy offers. Neuro Therapy finds the exact muscles that are causing YOUR knee pain. We aren’t working from a book (like some PTs) that tells us what causes knee pain for most people. Because you may not be most people - your knee pain deserves an approach tailored to your body. Once we find those muscles, our job is to convince the brain to start using them properly again. I wish I could say it’s as easy as flipping the light switch. But it isn’t – it takes a lot of hard, intense work over a few weeks. We refuse to coddle people with light weight and in-home exercises. We will push you to work at high intensities knowing that the reward is much greater than any temporary discomfort. Luckily, I know the people who read this blog are the kind of people who will put that work in if it means getting back to an active lifestyle. If you are willing to put in the work, Neuro Therapy can help reduce your knee pain and get you back to doing the things you love. To learn more, feel free to shoot us a message on Facebook by clicking this link – We offer a few free knee pain discovery sessions each week, so be sure to ask if we have any available in the upcoming weeks. A discovery session includes a movement assessment, body screening, and introduction to the therapy. You will leave the discovery session knowing what muscles are causing your knee pain and with reduced pain. You can also give us a call at 904-479-0277. to speak directly to one of our team members. Thanks for reading! I spend a lot of time talking about muscles and whether or not they are doing their jobs "properly." When muscles don't do their jobs properly, the result is often pain in other parts of the body. That can be a difficult concept to grasp, so I've come up with a metaphor that may help to make a little more sense of it all. The Work Environment Let's think about your work environment for a second. We've all got that one guy or girl that doesn't exactly hold up their end of the bargain. Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier! When the deadline for the big project is coming up, he or she is holding everything else back. You have a decision to make: either let the project crash and burn or do what you can to pick up the slack for that person and get the project completed on time. It's likely you choose to pick up the slack for that person, but that adds a new stress to your life. You aren't only responsible for your own work, but someone else's. It's likely that this stress could lead to a strained work environment down the road. In order to fix this strained work environment, the person either needs to start doing their job properly or the boss needs to find someone else who can. Your body is very similar. For a variety of reasons, the brain sometimes "turns off" muscles. These muscles become "that guy or girl" that doesn't do their job at work. Other parts of the body (tendons, ligaments, cartilage, joints, other muscles) are forced to pick up the slack (like you) in order to get the job done. Over time, these parts of the body ware down, leading to injuries and chronic pain. In therapy, our job is to identify those muscles that aren't doing their job properly and convince them to start working again. When this happens, injuries and chronic pain start to heal quickly. Hopefully, this metaphor helps you to make more sense of what we're looking for in the Neuro Therapy process. Have a better metaphor? Tell us about it in the comments below. To learn more more about the muscles that are not doing their job properly in your body, ask us about booking a discovery session. You can learn more about how a discovery session helps you get to the bottom of your aches and pains here- Learn more about discovery sessions We offer a few free sessions each week, so shoot us a message on Facebook (link below) to see what we have available. or call us at 904-479-0277 Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE
Discovery Session at Premier! I know what you're thinking. "What in the world is a discovery session?" A discovery session is something that we created because we know Neuro Therapy is probably a foreign term to you. You've heard of Physical Therapy. You've heard of a chiropractor. You've heard of massage and maybe even something like dry needling, but never Neuro Therapy. Simply put, we want you to be able to 'discover' Neuro Therapy - 100% risk free. Each week, we offer a few free discovery sessions for people to come in and learn more about our therapy. It gives you a chance to gather more information and see if it's a good fit for you, and it also gives us a chance to see if we think we can help you. Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier! The discovery session consists of 3 components: 1. Movement Assessment 2. Body Screening 3. Introduction to Therapy You can expect to leave the discovery session knowing what muscles are causing your knee pain and with significantly reduced pain levels in the knee. A description of each part of the discovery session is given below. 1. Movement Assessment We will take you through a series of movements to gather more information about your knee pain. What movements in your daily life bother you the most? What activities are you restricted from because of your knee pain? What pain levels are you feeling in those movements? We will monitor these movements looking for any abnormal movement patterns that could be contributing to your knee pain. 2. Body Screening (Find out what muscles are causing your knee pain) We scan your body with an electrical signal to identify muscles that are not functioning properly. When muscles in the body don't do their jobs properly, joints (in your case, the knees) are forced to pick up the slack. Over time, the joints have to do more and more work, resulting in pain. You'll find out the exact muscles that are causing your knee pain and what we can do about it. 3. Introduction to Therapy We want you to be confident that Neuro Therapy can reduce your knee pain, so we'll also take you through therapy during the discovery session. Once we find the muscles causing your knee pain, the goal of therapy is to convince the brain to start using those muscles properly again. In order to do so, we take you through exercises while forcing those muscles to work with an electrical signal. When those muscles start doing their jobs again, your knee pain is reduced significantly. Hopefully, I was able to give you a little more insight into what you can expect if you come in for a discovery session. As I mentioned earlier, we only give a few free discovery sessions away each week, so be sure to reach out and see if we have any available in the weeks to come. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to shoot us a message on Facebook by clicking the link below- or call us at 904-479-0277 Looking forward to hearing from you! -Evan Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE
Discovery Session at Premier! |
About the AuthorEvan Lewis is a nationwide leader in Neuro Therapy and founded the Baltimore area's only specialist Neuro Therapy facility. Archives
February 2022
Local to the Towson, Lutherville-Timonium, Cockeysville, or
Hunt Valley area? Friends & Family receive a FREE Discovery Session at Premier!